Workers’ compensation is a benefit that federal government employees can access if they suffer an injury while on the job. These injuries are often accidental and unexpected, which means the costs associated with those injuries are also a surprise. Federal workers can use workers’ compensation to pay for lost wages and the medical treatment necessary to recover from the injuries they suffered at work.
This might sound straightforward, but the process of filing for workers’ compensation isn’t always easy. Thousands of federal workers are injured every year, but not all of them receive the medical care or compensation benefits they need and deserve. In fact, your claim for workers’ compensation can be denied if you or your doctor don’t know how the process works.
To receive the care and treatment you need under the requirements of federal workers’ compensation, you’ll need to file a claim. Here are the five steps for starting the process.
- Report the incident to your supervisor immediately. Document the incident to keep a record of how and when you were injured.
- Seek medical attention as soon as possible so that a doctor can prescribe the best treatment plan.
- File the appropriate injury claim. Filing the wrong one could lead to a rejected claim.
Check off COP on the CA-1 form so that you continue to be paid if you can’t start working immediately after your injury. - Finally, call the Silver Wellness Center at 410-298-3100 to get started on your injury treatment.
When you file a claim for workers’ compensation, there is a chance your claim could get denied. If this happens, don’t lose hope. Depending on the reason, there may be an easy solution.
Nevertheless, watch out for some of the most common pitfalls of workers’ compensation claims. Make sure you can clearly identify the type of injury you suffered. You’ll want to select the correct type of injury claim to file based on that information. When you see a doctor, verify that they understand the type of medical report to file under the U.S. Department of Labor requirements. Your doctor will need to avoid using “pain” as their injury diagnosis, and they will also need to identify a causal relationship between the incident and the injury you suffered. If these requirements aren’t met, you could lose compensation, benefits, and wages.
Silver Wellness Center employs approved federal worker compensation doctors. Their specialists work with other approved doctors and attorneys specializing in helping injured federal workers receive the benefits they deserve. The state-of-the-art facility at Silver Wellness Center offers direct one-on-one muscle and massage therapy with a licensed muscle therapist, acupuncture, exercise and rehabilitation, Kinesio Taping, spinal decompression, and RRT- Rapid Release therapy.
You can schedule a complimentary learning consultation to determine what you need and if Silver Wellness Center is the right office for you. There is no obligation for any commitment. Visit their website today to start the process. You can also call them at 410-298-3100.
Download this e-book from Silver Wellness Center that highlights some of the common mistakes federal workers make on their workers’ compensation claims. The e-book will also tell you about some of the rights and benefits you have as a federal worker.